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College 14th Sports Meeting Closed Successfully

Publisher:三全学院外事部Time:2018-04-23Browse times:345

On April 13th, 2018, our college 14th sports meeting closed successfully. Mr. Jinwen Wang, Deputy Party Secretary, Mr. Gang Zhang, Deputy Party Secretary, Mr. Yongjian Qiu, Dean of Student Affairs, 2,000 teaching staff and students attended this closing ceremony. This ceremony was presided over by Ms. Jiajia Sun, assistant of administration director office.

Sports Director Xiaolin Yang disclosed the final results that for the women’s and men’s team and team competition, Xihe Academy won the first place while Renzhi Academy the second. For group callisthenics, Dexin Academy won the first, Congde Academy the second and Jingcheng Academy as the best choreography award. And the 3rd labor union representative, Congde labor union and Foreign Languages Faculty labor union representatives won team awards respectively.

Mr. Gang Zhang, Deputy Party Secretary, addressed the closing speech to express leadership’s appreciation for the involvement of all athletes and congratulate all the awards won by them. Finally Mr. Jinwen Wang, Deputy Party Secretary, declared to close the 14th sports meeting.

In this games, five campus records had been broken through, which not only demonstrated the sports level of teachers and students, strengthened the consciousness of physical exercise and health, but also improved the cooperation between teachers and students.